Il giorno Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:02:08 +0200
Juergen Moebius <> ha scritto:

> Hi, this is nothing!

  Well, you surely beat my oldies, I must admit!

> actually in german city "Leipzig" this two machines runs in an MusicShop:
> 1. a little Faxmachine, running Slackware 8.1:

  Do you really still use fax-machines in Germany?  I thought in Europe only
Italians and Greeks were.

> server2:~ #  cat /etc/slackware-version
> Slackware 8.1.0

  Oh my!

> server2:~ # uptime
>   8:47am  up 156 days, 23:21,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.05, 0.01


> server2:~ # uname –r
> 2.4.19

  No, really?  In the III millenium?

> server2:~ # cat /proc/cpuinfo
> processor     : 0
> vendor_id     : GenuineIntel
> cpu family    : 5
> model         : 4
> model name    : Pentium MMX

  So, it's not only NASA still running vintage HW!  :-)


> They are over 20 years old and runs without Problems :-)

  And make the local retrocomputing club proud of their accomplishments!  :-)

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