John Morris - 03.08.17, 00:01:
> At the risk of lowering the signal to noise on this list even more, I'd
> like to note that about seven minutes before this new nym posted here it
> posted the same text to the Fedora users list.  There was exactly one
> reply.  I won't spoil it, go look it up because it worked.

Yes. And I informed Jaromil already about it off list more than a week ago.

MikeeUSA posts on a *ton* of different mailing lists with exactly the same 
topic for *months*.

Please stop replying to him, please move on. There is nothing new to see in 
his argumentation. Please stop giving energy and attention to the posts of 
this guy.

Please, pretty please let go off this topic now. And please, pretty, pretty, 
pretty please focus to stay somewhat on topic.

Thank you dearly,
Dng mailing list
  • [DNG] MikeeUSA John Morris
    • [DNG] Please stay on topic Martin Steigerwald

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