> On 22/08/2017 at 02:01, Rick Moen wrote:
> > Quoting Adam Borowski (
> > 
> >> Manually creating the configuration -- or even manually triggering its
> >> creation -- is a pretty bad idea.  It just guarantees you won't have
> >> working X when you make any change to your hardware -- and sometimes
> >> software as well.

Manually creating xorg.conf is required if you e.g. has a serial 
(rs232) mouse. It is also req. if you want to be able to use the 
serverlayout feature, say if you want to be able to start X with a 
screen dimention of 800x640 for testing without a virtual screen size
or having several X servers running on different vt's with different
(non-virtual) screen sizes.

>   Not having to login as root to manually configure Xorg just to change
> video card or monitor was one of the best and most wanted improvements in
> Linux in the past 10 years.  Manual Xorg configuration is so tedious, time
> consuming and error prone that requiring users to be capable of it is just
> crazy.

This xorg.conf:

# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "ServerFlags"
        Option "AutoAddDevices" "off"

works like a charm on my laptop, everything is autodetected by X.
I can plug in usb kbd's and mice, which will be directly usable in
X. That system has no udev installed nor running, and using a plain
old static /dev. And, yes, thoose who aren't using the "us" kbd
layout will want to have a keyboard section or using xmodmap in their
.xinitrc. The possible only thing missing is autodetecting kbd layout,
do udev detect that ?

There is absolutely no need at all to fiddle with xorg.conf for a
vidio card or monitor change unless you want a non-default setup.
For a monitor, you only need to specify a monitor section in xorg.conf
if your monitor doesn't support edid, i.e. for ancient monitors.

I don't see what udev actually provides of value for the X server.

/Karl Hammar

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Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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