On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 10:15:03PM -0400, fsmithred wrote:
> On 08/28/2017 07:59 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Anyway, as I mentined in another post a few minutes ago, it does seem 
> > to be recognising it after all, but as a unknown Linux distro, 
> > failing tto notice it's Devun.  
> This is correct. Grub does not recognize devuan. Add a stanza for devuan
> to /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/90linux-distro if you want it to be
> recognized. Or make an /etc/lsb-release file with the right information.
> >And I don't get a bootmenu stanza. 
> > 
> That's not right. Not sure why it wouldn't work. You copied the contents
> of one partition to another? Or did you dd one partition to another? The
> partitions have different uuids? (Taking wild stabs in the dark here.)

I used rsync.  And had the wrong combination of slashes in the command 
so it copied  the old /boot to the new /boot/boot.  As a result, it 
found no kernel to boot.

Fixing that, and realy going over the old and new etc/fstab I now have 
a situation where at boot time I have the choice of a Devunn system and 
an unidentified Liux system.  Both in plin and advanced flavours.

However, when booting the unidentified Linux system, it mounts exactly 
the same partitions as the old Linux system.  It appears to 
completely ignore the new /etc/fstab in the new system.

It's as if grub-update found the new system, but for perverse reasons 
still used the /etc/fstab in the old system instead of the one in the 
new system.  And yes, I exclude /etc/fstab from the rsyc operation.  
The  new one is definitely still different from the old one.

Next I'll check whether /boot/grub/grub.cfg refers to the proper 
partitions.  That should narrow down the possibilities.

-- hendrik
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