On Thu, 7 Sep 2017 17:12:25 +0200
Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Quote: "Please take this discussion somewhere else, it has NOTHING to
> do with Devuan"
> This discussion has taught me that Intel CPUs from 2008 onwards also
> come with GRATIS but QUESTIONABLE functionalities, that many including
> myself, frown upon.
> If there are non-risky hacks that readers can use to 'harden' their
> computer against this unwelcome feature, please go ahead and provide
> it, even here. This has to do with Devuan as it has to do with
> security.

Sorry Edward, but this doesn't really have anything to do with Devuan
OS directly and if it was just a mention of a 'feature', I could live
with it. This topic, like several others lately, just goes on and
on and on. It is just clogging my email with something I not that
interested in (well not to the extent it has been discussed here).

If you are going to mention something not directly to do with Devuan,
then do just that, mention it and move on, don't chew it over and over.
If you feel you should have a major discourse about it, then do it of


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