* On 2017 13 Oct 03:36 -0500, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
> On 13-10-17 06:42, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> >On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 09:01:05PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> >>The Pi is unreliable with
> >>a USB hard drive what with its USB and Ethernet being on shared
> >>interrupts.  BTDT, lost the data once.

> >Interesting. I've been using a pi3 for almost two years 24/7 with a usb 
> >drive, and
> >   have seen no data loss so far. I am using it with a powered hub, and
> >   the drive is a 2.5 drive in an enclosure powered via usb.

> Same situation but with the original Pi B and a selfpowered WD drive working
> like a charm for years now.

I can't dispute yours or Greg's success.  At the time this was an extra
2.5" IDE drive in a cheapo USB to IDE case bought off ebay (IIRC) years
ago.  It was separately powered and I had it configured so the entire
root file system was on the HD with only /boot on the SD as I recall.
It would routinely lock up at least every seven days and sometimes
sooner.  The only cure was to pull power and reboot.

This is an application that writes to an sqlite database every few
seconds and uploads weather data to sites such as Weather Underground
and CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program).  The Pi handled the load,
but I suspect the IO was just a bit much for the share interrupt design.

> The only time i have seen datacorruption with another Pi was on the SD-card
> not on the HDD. (I have 5 Pi's working 24/7)

I have two Pi Bs, one is doing duty as an amateur radio packet reporting
system digipeater and the other is running Libreelec and Kodi as a
frontend for my MythTV DVR.  Both running off SD cards with no issues.

- Nate


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