John Franklin <> wrote:

> Note, I say, “possible”, not guaranteed or anything like that.  Signing 
> doesn’t prevent malware from getting in to the system.  If the build system 
> is compromised, as was the case recently with CCleaner, the malware gets 
> signed.

There was a much earlier example - though not in the wild.

My memory on the details are vague, but there's been a project (Part of Debian 
?) to "prove" that a binary was created from a given source - not trivial since 
slight differences in environment and compiler optimisations mean that simply 
compiling the source won't always create an identical binary.

Many years ago there was a demonstration of how to build a backdoor into the 
"login" binary. It involved changing the C compiler to detect when it is 
compiling "login" and automatically add the code for the backdoor. The user can 
inspect the code and find nothing wrong, but silently the binary has been 
compromised by a compromised build tool. Without the means to prove that a 
binary is in fact the result of compiling specific code, there's no practical 
way to detect such a compromise.

So yes, to be able to trust anything, you have to be able to trust every 
component of the system - and the tools used to build them.

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