On 10/20/2017 10:22 AM, John Hughes wrote:
On 20/10/17 16:37, Antony Stone wrote:
However, Bardot Jérôme's original posting in this thread, quoting Chris Lamb
<la...@debian.org> Wed, 11 Oct 2017 22:55:00 -0400 said:

"This version drops the Debian-specific support for the
/etc/redis/redis-{server}.sentinel.{pre,post}-{up,down}.d directories in
favour of using systemd's ExecStartPre, ExecStartPost, ExecStopPre,
ExecStopPost commands."

So, yes, what's been dropped is Debian-specific, but shouldn't we still be
concerned about the "in favour of systemd's ... commands"?

That's not what the Debian changelog says:

That text is not from the Debian changelog, but rather from debian/NEWS.
The GitHub commit is here:


In the buster/sid version (4:4.0.2-3) there is no code that I can find to run the {pre,post}-{up,down} scripts in sysvinit *or* systemd.

As version 4:4.0.2-3 is the version that "drops the Debian-specific support for the /etc/redis/redis-{server}.sentinel.{pre,post}-{up,down}.d directories", it would be rather surprising if you did find those scripts.

I must admit that I'm still learning the ropes with respect to Debian packaging. Could you explain this diff of debian/redis-server.init to me?


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