On 05/11/17 02:22 PM, goli...@dyne.org wrote:
On 2017-11-05 12:57, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
On 05-11-17 19:44, goli...@dyne.org wrote:

The group decided, from the options suggested, that they will be collectively referred to as the 'Caretakers'.  Their responsibilities include attending to maintenance of the infrastructure and facilitating and improving the availability of Devuan to its users.

Caretakers? Well it is better than undertakers i guess.



Well, they are nurturing and caring for the project so how is it not appropriate?  Better than a bureaucratic acronym that could imply top-down management imo.


Sounds like a healthy expansion to me, congratulations in arriving at it.

Caretaker leaves an impression in my head of everything from a god like science fiction entity to a custodian/janitor.
So plenty of scope. (-;

I'm not sure of the actual structural form envisioned for Devuan.
There has to be some vertical structure and a group of 'n' at the top, it is IMHO unavoidable.

I think pure top down works the best for creating user dependence, the benefits can be better controlled to trickle down to the shareholders and the improvement flow controlled to the users.   It is a well proven model for commercial operating systems and one that GNU/Linux tends, by its very nature, to throw a wrench into.

Clarke Sideroad

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