On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:27:32PM +0100, Alexander Bochmann wrote:
> ...on Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:09:17PM +0100, Irrwahn wrote:
>  > Alexander Bochmann wrote on 14.02.2018 21:56:
>  > > System resets before even loading Devuan-built grub. 
>  > Now that is particularly odd, as grub is not among the packages 
>  > that were forked by Devuan but rather is merged from Debian. 
> Agh, odd indeed. Just my bad luck again? It is old hardware 
> after all...

As far as i understand, GCC 6 in Devuan and Debian uses
by default march=i686. This default setting is used when building
all the packages for the i386 arch.

So your C3 is probably too old. You could rebuild gcc package
using another default value for march in a e.g. VM. and then 
install this package and rebuild all packages you need on your 
C3 machine based on that ;-) But thats quite some work to do.

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