I installed the ASCII netinstall 32 bit version to my older Acer netbook using 
the install with speech option since I need a screen reader for the GUI desktop 
and the text console.  I installed the default desktop as well as Mate.  I also 
install console tools and item 12 which was other utilities or something like 
that.  Previously when I install Stretch to the same net book Orca ran well in 
the GUI Desktop but I could not get Speakup to run in the text console.  With 
ASCII I get the opposite.  Speakup runs flawlessly in the text console but Orca 
will not run in the GUI Desktop.  Orca does not load automatically, but I can 
load it manually.  I know it is there because I can bring up the Orca 
preferences screen, but I am unable to get any speech.  Speech-Dispatcher is 
running, Mute is off, volume is at 100%.  Any
suggestions on how to get Orca speaking?  If I'm slow to respond to any
help, please forgive me, I can generally only check email once a day. 

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