No red flags for any of that stuff

On a Debian Buster VM where the increased file limit put into limits.conf obviously works, the result of ulimit -n comes out the same 1024 as on my Devuan VM.

The subtleties of why one distro would use one mechanism and a similar one a different mechanism (apparently) are all the things that frustrate people like me :)


On 02/03/18 12:02, KatolaZ wrote:
On Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 10:50:23PM +0000, KatolaZ wrote:
On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 12:52:40AM +1300, BWK wrote:
Gidday all

I use qgis and have some projects in it that open over 1000 layers. This
runs up against the file open limit usually preset to 1000 in many distros.

in Debian I can edit /etc/security/limits.conf and set * soft nofile 10000
to be able to open the projects with more than 1000 layers without seeing
rejected file open requests and crashes from the software

This seems not to work in Devuan 2.0. Is there a hard limit somewhere else
of less than 1000 or is a different configuration system used (even though
this file is present)
Just a (possibly unrelated) random thought: I guess you have already
had a look at `ulimit -n`, right?

Another possibly unrelated thought: if you have mangled with
/etc/pam.d/login, you must make sure that it contains:

   session    required

otherwise /etc/security/limits.conf gets ignored. You might also want
to check if you have anything in /etc/security/limits.d

Also, when you sets new limits the changes will apply only after you
logout and login again.

Also, you could check the system-wide file limit at
/proc/sys/fs/file-max (unlikely to be a problem)

Sorry if I have stated obvious facts at any point.



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