Quoting Luciano Mannucci (luci...@vespaperitivo.it):

> Hmm, I guess that a couple of virtual machines under KVM/Qemu on an 
> IBM S802L Power8 are'nt enough... (I could provide them :)
> I have an old G4 MacBook that I should check to see if it is still
> working...

I have an antique G3 Macbook, so I'm one up on you, there.  ;->  It
still functions, for long-ago values of 'function'.

Sometimes, people ask me what it runs, and the usual answer is 'It
doesn't run anything, exactly; it walks Debian briskly.'

Personally, I think it makes a lot more sense to let this stuff go.
IMO, Devuan has enough to handle without delving into specialty hardware.
(Just my two zorkmids and change.  Your Views May Differ.{tm})

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