I've encounteredseveral problems while trying to install Ascii. - failure to 
detect CD-rom drive (intermittent).- failure-to-mount partitions – which caused 
bizzare behavior whileusing the Graphical install.(once). (the failure-to-mount 
problemmigrated to the next drive on the next pass for several 
partitions).)BTW, screen shots taken during Graphical mode do not appear to 
bepreserved after installation.- debootstrap problem indicating not a clean 
disk. Reformatting didnot help-(on that install pass). (once).- the install 
process, just before finishing, dumped me out into aTTY1 terminal. (once.)- 
after 'successful' install, the system runs extremely slowly. (wicdwindow took 
~18 seconds to open.)(consistent failure).- wicd does not find any access 
points. (consistent failure).
I began to suspect that something was wrong with the netinstall.isoUSB thumb 
drive even though the sha256sum is always correct. Isuspected that the data 
rate might have something to do with theproblem. I burned the netinstall.iso to 
a 128GB USB 3.0 thumb drive.I was sure that it was fast enough to keep the USB 
2.0 bus saturated,and that this might make the USB device driver happy(er).I 
have now done nine installs without error. It appears that the USBdata stream 
is being corrupted and without always crashing the systemin the process. Could 
it be that data under-runs or other speedrelated problems, are causing 
unexpected behavior of the devicedriver?I would like to look into this more 
deeply but I don't know yet howto break into debug mode, or to just look at 
/var/log/syslog at thepoint of failure to help identify the problem(s). Any 
help would beappreciated. Still learning. Feel free to contact me off list.
The issues surrounding the use of FAT partitions are explained in aprevious 
post but the jist is this:- partman does not offer a force-format option for 
FAT partitions.This means that the only way to (re-)format a FAT partition is 
tochange the fs type. BTW, if you don't format a FAT partition duringthe 
install process, partman will scan it and declare an "uncorrectederrors found” 
error. I don't know what this means or how it mightaffect the installation 
process later on if left uncorrected. - partman's resize option for FAT 
partitions does not work correctlyin all cases. The workaround is to change it 
to an ext(i) fs type,resize it as desired, and then change it back to a FAT fs. 
This, ofcourse, causes a format operation. 

Thanks for devuan.
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