Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote on 23.03.2018 19:30:
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2018 14:14:47 -0400
> Haines Brown <> wrote:
>> Recently and not in association with any system changes, atril and xpdf
>> no longer displays the content of perhaps half my PDF files. They see
>> all the pages, but they are blank. An exception is that sometimes a
>> cover page, TOC, download notice at bottom of pages, or the graphics are
>> displayed, but not the text. This is consistent: a failure or success
>> repeats on subsequent tries.


> I have noticed the same behaviour in recent days, but while the .pdf files do 
> not display properly in evince or pdfshuffler, they do in gv.

Hi Haines, hi Ron,

just a random shot in the dark, but since AFAICT atril and xpdf do not 
share the same rendering engine (going solely by package dependencies, 
I might well be wrong on that account), this could possibly be a font 
caching problem. Maybe a forced rebuild of the font cache might help: 

  fc-cache -rf

FWIW, I can not reproduce any obvious rendering glitches here using any 
PDF software based on the usual libraries (cairo, pango, poppler, ...),
and I have a metric to of fonts installed on this here system. (While 
typing this I remembered years ago I had problems due to a broken font 
file, but that did not result in a _total_ loss of PDF font rendering 
capabilities across different tools.)

BTW mupdf would be yet another simple viewer for you to try, in case you 
haven't already.

HTH, best regards

Sapere aude!
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