On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 19:54:11 +0900
Olaf Meeuwissen <paddy-h...@member.fsf.org> wrote:

> Hi Don,
> Don Wright writes:
> > [ ... ASCII using Expert (text) from
> > devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_dvd-1.iso ...]
> >
> > Upon successful boot into the system things looked good locally,
> > until I tried to SSH to the box. Not there!
> > While /etc/network/interfaces has the settings I expected, the GUI
> > showed wicd had ignored them and called DHCP to create all new and
> > mostly wrong settings.
> >
> > #apt remove wicd soon cleaned that up, but who the systemd thought
> > it was a good idea to ignore! working! static! IP! settings! and
> > install an unwelcome network mangler in the first place? Take a
> > purgative, get your heads out of your ASCII, and stop your wicd
> > ways from overriding traditional handcrafted, all-natural,
> > artisanal, text-based config files.  
> The output of `apt-cache rdepends wicd` using various combinations of
> the --recurse and --no-* options indicate that just about any, if not
> all, of the task-*-desktop packages recommend it, either directly or
> indirectly.  Some may even prefer network-manager ... putting you
> between a rock and a hard place.
> > The guilty parties should lose an inch of *nix beard each in
> > penance.  
> The guilty parties would mostly be the task-*-desktop packagers ;-)
> but if you are comfortable with the installer's Expert mode, why not
> forego the installation of a desktop and run
>   apt install task-desktop wicd-
> after the initial system install?
> > [ Semi-humorous howls of rage aside: Does the installed system
> > ignore static IP by design? ]  
> Not if you don't install a desktop ;-)
> # You mentioned installing on a Lenove Think*Server*.  I *never* put a
> # desktop on my servers ...
> Hope this helps,

If I understand this correctly, installing any desktop (does this
include window managers like openbox?) brings in wicd in a mode that
breaks hard coded IP addresses.

I would sure find this behavior surprising.

Is there a way Devuan can eliminate the "recommends" for wicd and
networkmanager with "desktops"?

Meanwhile, if whatever distro you're working with does weird stuff when
all you want is a hard coded IPV4 address, consider the following
distro-independent shellscript, which can be run at boot and also any
time some foolish daemon thinks it knows more about your desired IP
address than you do:

hostname=`grep -v "^\s*#"  /etc/hostname | head -n1`
ip link set dev lo up
ip link set dev eno1 down
ip addr add dev eno1
ip addr add dev eno1
ip link set dev eno1 up
ip route add default via

The preceding sets the box's IP at with an alias at 106,
and sets the default gateway to The assumed device name
here is eno1. Obviously, you need to modify it to fit your needs, but
after that, you can override the inconveniences almost every distro
throws at you if all you want is a fixed IP address. I've used this
shellscript in several distros.


Steve Litt 
June 2018 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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