On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 22:00:06 +0900
Olaf Meeuwissen <paddy-h...@member.fsf.org> wrote:

> I just realized that true init-freedom should be systemd-inclusive, so
> don't put that dpkg-cfg hack in any kind of "init-freedom" package,
> please.

I'm pretty sure I was the person who originated the phrase
"init-freedom". This can be fact-checked on the Debian-User mailing
list archives for the second half of 2014. Init-freedom is a marketing
phrase, created to counter all the systemd bullshit. A few facts...

* Devuan has absolutely no duty to facilitate installation of systemd
  or any of its components on a Devuan system. Those wanting systemd
  have plenty of other choices without Devuan.

* Anything that destroys or detains systemd in the marketplace improves
  init-freedom, because systemd in init systems in that it explicitly
  prevents init replacement.

* Init-freedom is not a grand concept to be sought after. It is 1) An
  anti-systemd marketing phrase, and, 2) The normal state of affairs
  before systemd reared its ugly head.

Use the phrase all you want in winning arguments against the
logical-fallacy laden systemd spokesmen, but don't take it too

Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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