On 2018-08-02 13:23, Steve Litt wrote:
On Wed, 01 Aug 2018 13:58:54 -0500
goli...@dyne.org wrote:

With all due respects to Slackware, can't we find anything about
Devuan to discuss?

I think the Slackware discussion revolves around recognition that the
evolution of Linux went right through Slackware. The following
according to

Looks to me like the SLS distro was tied for the second oldest. The
oldest was the never heard of MCC Interim, and the other tie for second
was the never heard of TAMU. The oft mistaken for oldest yggdrasil was
actually a couple months younger than SLS.

A little more than a year after SLS was born, Patrick
Volkerding forked SLS and called it Slackware. This fork was
contemporaneous with the creation of Debian, and predated the creation
of Red Hat by about four months.

In other words, Slackware was a pioneer extremely influential on the
adoption of Linux. Of the three 1993 distros still alive and still
being forked today, Slackware was the closest to the metal (with Redhat
being the most "user friendly", surprise surprise). Every Linux user,
especially every Linux user who wants to get under the hood, owes a
great deal to Patrick and Slackware.

And of course, if Slackware perishes, that's one less sans-systemd
distro, making Devuan a little less credible.


All of that is true and I'm not suggesting otherwise. I just wish that there was as much urgency to move Beowulf forward as there is to support Slackware. Currently, things have ground to a halt. I want Devuan to survive too!!


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