I would have posted this to the #devuan-arm IRC channel, but it requires
some sort of registration and I am far too tired to deal with yet
another registration hassle.  I could rant for a while this morning on

To wit, I have an Olimex A20-OLinuxino-micro that for whatever reason
the SATA interface has developed problems.  I've tried with another
drive and another cable and the problem persists, so it's on to other

I have a USB to SATA adapter and when I connect the SSD to the Micro
after booting from the micro flash card I can mount it, etc.  I have
Jessie installed on the flash card and on the SSD.  Previously the
system was booting from the flash card and the rootfs was on the SSD
connected via SATA.  Now the kernel included with the Jessie
installation apparently lacks sufficient support for early USB mass
storage as once the hard drive is identified the boot process just stops
(note that I copy the boot.scr file over to boot fully from the flash
card or attempt booting from the USB attached SSD, a process that
involves doing so when mounted on my laptop, etc.).

As an alternative, I installed the Debian 4.9 kernel from aptitude but
am now personally halted on configuring uboot correctly as I'm not at
all certain how to specify the initrd in the boot.cmd file what with its
need to have memory information detailed.  This is where I hope others
can help.  My goal is to boot from the VFAT flash partition as usual and
set the rootfs to /dev/sda2 (yes, that's how it is identified when
plugged in as /dev/sda1 is a swap partition) that is now connected via
USB rather than SATA.  This is the same setup as before only the SSD
would be connected via the USB port rather than the failing SATA port.

All help is appreciated!

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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