On 10/17/2018 03:18 PM, terryc wrote:

Machines can
ping each other now, so besides introducing Devuan, I also want to
introduce Ubuntu via Devuan by some kind of remote GUI access or
like. Suggestions? Please note that there is no Internet access to
those boxes, so anything needed for each comp must be downloaded
elsewhere and brought on USB or CD.
Burn the basic DVD and do the installation from it and if you have
it on hand, you can show how easily the computer can acquire other
applications by;
0) open a terminal
b) aptitude search some application (or hint utility).
c)sudo aptitude install chosen-utility.
d) utility.

It's a seniors club, 70-75 at average. Some of them are more-less fluent in (pirated) Window$ -based mouse clicking to browse the Net, email, and office. So my point is to show them that there are free & unrestricted alternatives. As I said I have two machines there, one is wired to a big TV so they who sit in a last row can listen & watch. That one machine is Devuan Jessie 64-bit for now, I installed it just for test as I never used Devuan distro before. However, I am more experienced in Ubuntu, so I want to show them its desktop too. But the idea is not to disconnect/reconnect each machine from the TV to switch different distro, instead I want to run Devuan as a 'proxy' for Ubuntu to appear on TV as a second option. Both machines are pretty old. Devuan box is somewhat faster but also old so that's why it is wired to the TV as the primary sample for Linux introduction. At this stage I do not want the elders to play with keyboards just like that, but to relax sitting in the room and watch the presentations. Installing software in terminal or like is not an option for the audience, it would be too much for them to understand, they are not Linux geeks. As well it is playing VM, at least until they learn the basics. Btw, those comps are dual-boot with Window$ because they are also used for other things besides Linux promotion. There is no Internet in the club so I need exactly what software packages need to be downloaded elsewhere and brought to the site. For Ubuntu there is Remina or like (if I recall the proper name) but duno what needs for Devuan.

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