On 2018-10-27 00:55, Joel Roth wrote:
On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 08:21:11PM +0200, Michael K. wrote:
Hey List readers,

i use, under Dev1, XFCE and "geany 1.29" as my default IDE / Text editor.

I observe my xsession-errors on this way also, long time ago. But, i
can't open my ".xsession-errors" file whit any text editor?

A "text editor" tells me on opening the file: this file is a invalid UTF-8

what must i do to re-open my ".xsession-errors" in a text editor?

You could:

* See if maybe joe or nano or vim or ??? editor will be more
accepting of the input.

* Use a hex editor to look for a byte-order-mark (BOM) at
the beginning of the file, I think some programs choke on them.
At least I've observed myself "fixing" a file by editing out the BOM.

The BOM indicates whether the text will representated with
the bits in little or big endian order.

Perhaps Dr. Duck will shine some light on the subject, or
superuser stackoverflow communities or those among our unicode literati.

I have Pluma installed on Xfce and also had this problem. But when I tried to open .xsession-errors, a big red warning box appeared that gave me the option to choose between UTF-8 or iso-8859-15. I ticked iso-8859-15 and the log displayed properly. Didn't that used to be the default before UTF-8?. My daily driver is still jessie if that makes any difference . . .


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