g4sra <g4...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> To clarify some points raised.
> 1) Approx 200 trainees each year, the full course is three years long (but 
> class size will be 30 maximum at any one session). By year 3... 600 Users. 
> After year 3 the trainees details may be purged and resources reclaimed so 
> the server will never have to support more than 600 accounts.
> 2) The trainees progress is stored in a .subdirectory of their home directory 
> by the (annoyingly) proprietary closed source training software.
> 3) The trainees cannot be guaranteed to be sat in the same seat at every 
> training session. In fact, must move to one of the few workstations with a 
> joystick\graphical tablet for specific lessons.

OK those 3 pretty well mandate centralised user management - Samba AD, NIS, 
whatever. Items 2&3 pretty well mandates using a central file server mounted at 
each user workstation for the users' files.
For file sharing, there are pros and cons for different methods. NFS has the 
advantage of allowing a single mount that works for all users - the 
security/permissions management is done by the client system which in this case 
is a machine you manage and can trust (as long as it's been reasonably well 
secured against "inquisitive" users. Samba needs a mount/user and 
security/permissions is handled by the server. A bit of "6 of one, half a dozen 
of the other".

> 4) A downed workstation must be easily replaced without loss of trainees work.

Home directory & files in server, plus automatic rebuild for workstations - box 

Would have saved a bit of speculation and discussion had these details been 
provided earlier :-/

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