Speaking as someone who hosts a couple of dozen email lists, I really don't understand what the fuss is about here.

DMARC breaks mailing lists - it's that simple.  It breaks pretty much anything that forwards mail.  (FYI:  Early on, it broke the IETF's lists.  Rather annoying, that.)

If one runs a list, and wants folks on gmail, AOL - any service that honors p=reject - then one has to:

1. adjust headers so that list mail appears to originate from the list manager, not from the original author

2. publish DKIM & SPF records for the machine hosting the list

Both Sympa (which I run) and Mailman have settings that will apply the appropriate header changes (Sympa had a community supported patch within a week, which was integrated into the next release; Mailman took a bit longer, with features showing up in v 2.1).

Updating the mailman settings, and publishing the appropriate DNS records, is really a no brainer for any halfway competent list administrator.  The folks who administer lists.dyne.org just need to do it.  (I can't believe they haven't already - but then I don't notice it - we run our own email server, and pointedly don't honor DMARC p=reject on incoming mail.)

Miles Fidelman


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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