On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 02:10:10PM +0000, Mark Hindley wrote:
> Hello all,
> We have just packaged a new upstream version of elogind (241.1) for Devuan. 
> The
> packages have just hit ceres and beowulf and should be in mirrors within an
> hour.
> The Big News in this release is that, thanks to the persistence of 
> CenturionDan
> and the excellent response of Sven upstream, libelogind0 is now ABI compatible
> with libsystemd0. This allows libelogind0 to replace libsystemd0 completely
> without requiring binary recompilation.

I just upgraded from ascii to beowulf yesterday for testing things.  I 
have elogind 239.3+20190131-1.

Do I just have to do aptitude install elogind?

I tried it in aptitude's interactive mode.

I updated the package list, and then typed g to get it to propose 
updates. elogind turns out to be one of the packages that was 
"automatically held in their current state"

Scrolling down to see the reason, it tells me:

elogind (held/unchanged, 239.3+20190131-1) will not be upgraded to 
version 241.1-1, to avoid breaking the following dependencies:

but the list of dependencies is empty.

Most puzzling.

And, by the way I do have a libsystemd0.

-- hendrik
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