Le 12/03/2019 à 10:40, KatolaZ a écrit :

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 09:48:11AM +0100, Didier Kryn wrote:

Le 11/03/2019 à 19:33, KatolaZ a écrit :

guys, anything using dbus will most probably (indirectly) access /var/lib/dbus/machine-id at some point in time, since that file is read when attempting to send a message via dbus.

    It's most certainly as simple as that.     The question is why the hell do a web browser need to attach to Dbus? This question is pure rant because I won't be satisfied by any answer.

In order to contact your preferred DE's interface to select the printer when you hit CTRL+P, just to make one example out of several dozens?

    Is dbus really necessary for that? When printing from Palemoon, the same dialog as all applications pops up, I guess it has to do with CUPS, but Palemoon doesn't read machine-id for that, which certainly means it doesn't use Dbus.

Or to unlock the keyring using your DE's keyring manager?

    I, personally, don't trust that keyring. So don't use.

We can only fear what we don't understand.

    Sure, and I thank you for having looked at Dbus' source. What we don't understand still is the reason for this new /etc/machine-id. One will need to read Systemd's source to know it.


If you don't trust CORBA/DCOP/dbus, just remove any GNOME/KDE/whatever component from your system.

    I dislike them and I'm aiming to get rid of them. Xfce needs gvfs (and what else) to show icons for removable disks. I'm writing an application sans-gvfs do do something similar.

It's possible. Then, you won't have any "desktop integration" which seems to be a "must" for many users today, but I can assure that life goes on either way.

    Well, this is meant to make the famous "Linux Desktop" look like MacOS or MSWindows to take a part of their market share.

    I got the impression that a significant part of devuaneers is running big servers and another part DIY desktop/laptops. The first of these populations easily keep away from this entanglement; the last may be unhappy with it.

    This said, the job of providing a sans-dbus  DE is certainly not something I would ask to Devuan. But there are people in the Devuan community who aim at that. They need a sans-systemd OS like Devuan to do it.


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