Hi all,

On 4/2/19 7:35 PM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
Many April Fools are done/around/  the time of 1st April .... some get
in early on purpose, irregardless of time zones.

Still, moving on; we've been promised that this won't happen again.

Thank you.

I didn't know about april's fools until this all happened because of our different traditions: we use to do this sort of jokes on 28 December, called "El día de los inocentes" and which, as you will remember, coincided with the death of Ian Murdoch. During this incident happened I was preparing my travel to Amsterdam and I couldn't take time off to follow the thread closely, even being aware that something serious happened. In spite of I try to mantain aside of this kind of incidents (in part because english is not my native language and I can misundertand messages), i'll draw a positive conclusion... People involved in the incident have been in Amsterdam during these days because all of them love Devuan the project. They are mature people, and mature people try to understand the emotions and reasoning of others.
Seeds of discord comming from the distance are insane :-)


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