On Sat, 11 May 2019 17:22:45 +0100
s@po <tux...@sapo.pt> wrote:

> In the past Debian Wheezy had a tool for that, called 'chkconfig', it
> was a lot used in the Datacenter.. # Adding a Service 'atsd':
>       chkconfig --add atsd;

ln -s /etc/sv/daemonname /var/service/daemonname

> # Enable the service in several Runlevels:
>       chkconfig --level 12345 atss on;
        Run levels are fairly foreign everywhere but sysvinit.
        Probably doable with runit.

> # Start the Service:
>       /etc/init.d/atsd start;
        sv start daemonname

> # Stop the Service:
>       /etc/init.d/atsd stop;
        sv stop daemonname

> # Disable the service in requested runlevels:
>       chkconfig --level 12345 atsd off;
        Runlevels why?

> # Remove the Service:
>       chkconfig --del atsd;
        rm /var/service/daemonname

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