On Fri, 16 Aug 2019, Lars Noodén via Dng wrote:

> On 8/12/19 4:00 PM, Ralph Ronnquist via Dng wrote:
> [snip]
> > Well, a slightly irrelevant, and perhaps well known observation: I have
> > come to think that the most flexible networking for my local VM's is the
> > "vde mode". It does need a small amount of initial plumbing, with a
> > (single) supporting tap, and then either a bridge or routing plus local
> > dhcp. This ends up with a networking "portal" through a (shared) socket
> > that the qemu processes happily connect to.
> [snip]
> Thanks.  That has been useful.  The guest now is visible on the same
> network as the host.

I'm glad it worked out, I'm also using Qemu a lot (of course, on
Devuan) but with less complex needs, in many cases to emulate Cortex
chips running unikernel programs: no problems arise.

and thanks Ralph for the "vde mode" tip, good foor for thought! it may
serve well to replace the use of Docker in prototyping workflow.

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