On 2019-09-30 09:27, Simon Walter wrote:
On 9/29/19 12:36 PM, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
Sorry Steve . . . I think this idea is naive, ill-advised and a tactical
error that could have very real, unintended consequences.

So that the ignorant among us can understand learn, do you mind telling
us why?



History is littered with examples of real harm done to individuals and society by "business as usual". Even when there is a substantial body count, it can take decades for acknowledgement and restitution. I have been there, done that too many times. IMO, a bunch of disgruntled geeks moaning about software choices just does not have the leverage needed to move a corporate mountain. However, should enough voices become an irritation to said corporate mountain, retaliation could be "interesting" . . .

As Bruce noted, Steve has every right to pursue any tactic he chooses and I will be the first to congratulate him if he succeeds. In the meantime, I choose to do real work to support alternatives rather than tilt at windmills. :)

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