Somebody called "sakaki" has put together a working 64-bit gentoo distro for the Raspberry Pi 4B.  You might be able to use that as a starting point, and put devuan on top of it.

The gentoo distro works pretty well, except that it updates by recompiling and that takes a lo-o-o-ong time.  And it uses "emerge" instead of "apt" so I have to learn something new.  Oh, the horror...

On 10/31/19 7:00 AM, wrote:
I am trying to get my new pi to boot, I have replaced the bootcode.bin with
the one from raspbian buster, unfortunately the pi stalls.

Any suggestions what else to try??

-- Roel Wagenaar,

-Robert Montante, Ph.D.
 Department of Mathematical and Digital Sciences
 Bloomsburg University        bobmon AT bloomu DOT edu
 Bloomsburg, PA  17815        prof.montante AT gmail DOT com
 phone: 570-389-4624

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