Also, just in case anyone else is trying to upgrade and runs into this
issue, I'll share it.

When I ran dist-upgrade the first time, it downloaded and unpacked
everything okay but then failed with an error that dpkg had errored
out. /var/log/dpkg.log didn't give anything helpful but I ended up
finding the solution was to run 'apt --fix-broken install' just like
that without specifying any package. After running that, dist-upgrade

On Sun, 2020-01-05 at 11:15 -0700, 'smee via Dng wrote:
> Updated my daily driver, everything so far looks good. 
> I use xfce with Xfce-orange for the theme and noticed the orange
> turned
> red. Not a problem, just an observation.
> I had the problem with su root that tempo had and used tito's
> solution
> to fix it. (thanks temp and tito)
> One odd thing that happened and went away was, I have a script that
> opens one terminal window with a bunch of tabs, when I ran that
> initially I got an error about cannot connect to session manager. A
> stackexchange issue mentioned a conflict between the user calling the
> command and the one owning the session. I wasn't logged in as
> anything
> unusual, but I tried closing my terminal, opening a fresh one and
> calling from there and it worked. I may have done something as root
> in
> that terminal window that changed the session owner, though I really
> can't think of what I might have done. Anyway, I thought I'd share in
> case anyone else sees a similar or more persistent issue.
> Side note - I got my snapshot iso working exactly how I want it (and
> learned a little bit about iso's). Thank you fsmithred for the help.
> And....Refractasnapshot is awesome! :)
> Will report back if I run into anything of interest.
> On Tue, 2019-12-31 at 14:58 -0500, fsmithred via Dng wrote:
> > Please upgrade your highly customized and configured ascii
> > production 
> > system to beowulf and tell us if it works. Okay, DO THIS ON A COPY,
> > not 
> > the real thing.
> > 
> > I've upgraded standard no-X systems, xfce and mate desktops, and
> > those 
> > went smoothly. We need more data points.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > fsmithred
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