On 08/01/2020 17:56, fsmithred via Dng wrote:
On 1/8/20 11:38 AM, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:
On 08/01/2020 16:25, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
On 2020-01-08 10:14, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:
On 08/01/2020 16:02, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
phenix is the correct spelling and has been since jessie.  ;)  The
French do it differently. :D
No, the Americans cannot spell correctly, it is Pheonix in English ;-)


Even DDG isn't buying that one. When I search for Pheonix I am gently
asked whether I really want to search on that non-standard word:

Including results for phoenix.
Search only for "Pheonix"?

urbandictionary.com has a definition though.  LOL!


Dng mailing list
This is what you get from upgrading to Beowulf and Thunderbird gets sets
to the American version of English LOL

Yes it is 'Phoenix', I just missed the transposition of the 'e' and 'o'
because I knew that they were both in there, even if the spellchecker
(American) was saying it was spelt wrong. I have now fixed the Thunderbird
spell checker, it is now using 'English (United Kingdom)'


Copy/paste from upstream git LISEZ-MOI.md - I don't know how it will look
in email, but there's an accent aigu over the e in Phenix. No o in the
theme name.

"## À propos

Le projet Clearlooks-Phénix a pour but de créer une version GTK3 de
Clearlooks, thème par défaut de Gnome 2. Un style est également inclus
pour GTK2, Unity et les gestionnaires de fenêtres Metacity, Openbox et Xfwm4."


Pardon ? Sorry but I do not speak French (at least I think it is French), but if you are referring to the mythical bird that rises from the ashes, it is 'Phoenix' in English. Anything else is not English.


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