
I've had that problem as well. It also prevents the auto-show feature of the `onboard` onscreen keyboard from working (which was annoying on my Librem 5 Phone, where I need that feature).

To me, it seams to be caused by a combination of something `lightdm` does, and something `at-spi-bus-launcher` does not do. After a login with `lightdm`, the X11 root window has the `AT_SPI_BUS` property set (`xprop -root AT_SPI_BUS`), however, it seams the `at-spi-bus-launcher`/`at-spi2-registryd` instance which created that property does not exist anymore, causing applications to fail to connect to it. In addition to this, the presence of that property prevents a new instance of `at-spi-bus-launcher`
 from starting.

My current workaround is to remove the `AT_SPI_BUS` property, and then start `at-spi-bus-launcher` again:
xprop -root -remove AT_SPI_BUS
/usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher &

After that, the `onboard` auto-show feature works for me for newly started applications again (this may require `onboard` restart). At least for GTK Applications, that is, I still have the problem of that feature not working for some QT applications, such as the `kate` editor. I assume that should be the same for other things which use the accessibility bus as well.

Daniel Abrecht
Dng mailing list

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