On Apr 06, 2020, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 08:46:03PM -0400, Dan Purgert wrote:
> > On Apr 04, 2020, Raul Claro wrote:
> > > Dear Devlers,
> > > 
> > >     is there a way of holding a video- or an audioconference with Firefox
> > > (or Vivaldi) on Devuan?  The ones I have come in contact with. such als
> > > /https://global.gotomeeting.com/, /work only with Windows or Mac and
> > > Chrome.
> > > 
> > >      Are there any Debian/Devuan alternatives to these systems?
> > 
> > Jitsi would be my initial go-to, as Zoom seems to have proven themselves
> > less-than-trustworthy in the last couple of weeks.
> I've been completely unable to get on Zoom from firefox esr.
> Is it likely to work with Chrome or chromium?  One of my regular 
> meeetings has chosen Zoom, leaving me little choice.

Sorry, I don't happen to use Zoom.  Wife does, but from her tablet.

> Any idea how much computer jitsi needs?  My server is over a decade old.  
> I've been hanging onto it because it's too old to have a management 
> engine.

Offhand, no.  I haven't found any of that in their documentation
(although admittedly my eyes may have just glazed over).  You can, of
course, use their service (http://meet.jit.si) rather than running it

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