As an aside, I have a set of USB drives at a client location. All have
the label "archives" on the partition. I then create an fstab entry:

LABEL=archives /media/archives ext4 noauto 0 2

or something like that (I don't remember the exact entry). They swap the
drives out at will, and just before the backup begins, I try to mount

The client wanted to rotate 5 drives throughout the week to back up the
backup service we provide, and it has worked well for them.


On 5/19/20 10:56 AM, william moss via Dng wrote:
> If you set the partition label for the target of a file system archive,
> then the use of findmnt eliminates the need for a special location. For
> example:
>     findmnt -P -t ext4,xfs -o source,target,label
> Note, the file systems in the example should be set to what you use for
> your archive media.
> Since I back up to network attached storage, I parse the output of the
> following command to find a sub-directory of the primary mount points.
> findmnt -P -t cifs,nfs,auto -o source,target,label |& \
> while read Q
> do
>   [[ "${Q}" =~ LABEL=\"([^\"]*)\" ]] &&       
>     LBL="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
>   [[ "${Q}" =~ TARGET=\"([^\"]*)\" ]] &&      
>     TGT="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/`hostname -s`"
>   [[ "${Q}" =~ SOURCE=\"([^\"]*)\" ]] &&      
>     SRC="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"  
>   [ -n "$SRC" ] || continue
>   [ -n "$TGT" ] || continue
>   [ -d "$TGT" ] || continue
>   # The actions to perform are then based on the source,
>   # the label (if any) and any other criteria that can be
>   # found with other options to findmnt.
>   ...
> done
> I schedule the script that does. I use a custom run-crons
> (/usr/lib/cron/run-crons) but a script in /etc/cron.d would also be a
> good choice.
> Rather than dmesg, try
> alias lsblock='lsblk -o name,label,fstype,size,type,tran -x name'

Rod Rodolico
Daily Data, Inc.
POB 140465
Dallas TX 75214-0465 US
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