Stephane Ascoet via Dng <> wrote:

>> I think I'll ask the same question over at the ISC DHCP list, we're a 
>> friendly bunch over there, but it's more an OS question than a DHCP one. 
>> Still, there's a range of experience, so someone else might have hit this 
>> and know the answer.

> Hi, so, with this friendly touch with them at ISC, if you could ask about 
> resolution of <> and 
> <>...

Have you tried asking on the ISC DHCP Users mailing list ? The above are Debian 
bug tracker links - the maintainers of the Debian packaging may or may not be 
on the ISC ML (I haven't looked), and I think it's fairly certain that most of 
the people who are on the ML won't be checking for Debian bugs.
dhcp-users mailing list

Mind you, the first of those does seem "rather old" !


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