On 9/5/20 11:19 AM, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
On 2020-09-04 20:46, Simon Walter wrote:
On 9/5/20 1:34 AM, Andreas Messer wrote:
Hi golinux,

On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 01:50:07AM -0500, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
On 2020-09-01 00:07, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
I have no idea how reliable the repaired drive is after this radical
surgery. Can it be written to or files deleted? Should I even try?

I wouldn't use a drive anymore which has started reallocating
sectors, well which has reallocated sectors all.

It's on it's way out for sure.

However, I am interested in how you are able to know that sectors on
golinux's disk have been relocated - from the information provided to
this mailing list. I know it's possible to see that in the SMART data,
but I didn't see that posted. Are short reads always surface errors?

Best regards,


Simon . . . SMART data attached. I hadn't noticed this before . . . sounds ominous . . .

SMART Status command failed: scsi error medium or hardware error (serious)

Note that I ran this from GSmartControl not a terminal.

I think it's because you are connected via USB. From my experience, the best way, possibly the only thorough way, to diagnose a SATA disk drive is connected to a SATA controller directly, which is why I really like notebooks that have eSATA ports.

About my above question to Andreas, I am interested to learn if this is indeed the case: short reads indicate surface error.

I have gotten this error over USB before. When connecting the same disk to a known working SATA controller, I was able to use it fine and no errors occurred. USB -> SATA controllers/cases in my experience are of poor quality and fail before the disk does. I am not one to hang on to a failing disk, but you sound thorough. So I'd suggest using a SATA controller to read the SMART data and run other diagnostics.

If you are a data hoarder and like disks, I'd suggest getting your hands on some hardware that has a SATA controller. It doesn't need to be fancy or new. Pretty much any working desktop is fine.

In your SMART data:
Reallocated_Sector_Ct = 1
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

Reallocation, to my knowledge, should happen in the background. It's *possible* that the reallocation event and the FS corruption are unrelated.

If that count keeps going up, don't use the disk. Eventually the surface will not be able to store data/be magnetised.

I am keen to learn more about disk recovery. So please, anyone, correct me if I am wrong.

Best regards,

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