Mark Rousell <> wrote:

>> But once you accept a
>> message with a success status after the DATA stage, you are obliged to
>> either really deliver it or else bounce it back. It is not acceptable to
>> send messages down a "black hole".

> This *should* not be acceptable (and it's very annoying if you are a 
> legitimate sender who has his email swallowed like this) but this method 
> works well for the big mail service providers, who all seem to do it.

Yes, it's the default because it's easy to do - so if you can get away with it 
then why put the effort into doing it right ?
While all the software bits are there (or would be trivial for the big players 
to write if they didn't already exist), the main reason for "accept then bin" 
operation is scalability. Accepting mail is fairly cheap - a handshake and some 
preliminary (cheap) checks, then pour a data stream into a file, job done. So 
scaling mail acceptance is easy and cheap to do.
Doing full malware & spam filtering is resource intensive. If you want to do it 
in real-time before deciding whether to accept a message or not, then you need 
to scale your resources for peak inbound mail rates. But if you do "accept then 
bin", you can scale your resources for more average rates and just let messages 
sit in a queue for a few minutes when things are really busy. Given the 
resources available to MS and Google (to name just two), that's not really a 
valid excuse - but I bet it's one of the ones they use.

As an aside, many of the "how to setup Postfix with spam/AV scanning" all do 
the two postfix instance setup - where one instance accept the mail, then pipes 
the messages through Amavis with SMTP, and then the second instance manages it 
into mailboxes.

> Many of their users don't even care that, as a result, they are missing mail 
> from legitimate contact and customers.
> You'd think that customer pressure would force the service providers to act 
> more sensibly but because the customers don't *see* the problem they don't 
> care about it, even small business customers who lose business as a result.

That's the problem - it's mostly invisible. Take the likely scenario - customer 
emails to say "I'd like to spend money with you on ..." and gets no answer. 
Unless you really have a very compelling offering, the prospective customer 
just goes off elsewhere and you never know that you've lost business.
I'm sure that a great many businesses would complain, and loudly, if they 
actually knew.

One thing I can be sure of, if Royal Mail (or whoever your local postal service 
is) "just binned" anything that their algorithms decided you weren't likely to 
want, there would be more than just strong words about it. In many 
jurisdictions, it's a criminal offence to interfere with delivery of a mail 

At a previous job I had responsibility for running a mail server for our 
clients. Initially it was a thrown together quickly system 
(Debian/Postfix/PostfixAdmin/Courier) to replace an iMail system running on 
Windows NT that a) fell over regularly, and b) had a huge problem with spam. 
That iteration ran for years, until I replaced it with an upgraded one - and I 
put in effort to reject spam BEFORE accepting a message. As far as I concerned, 
if your mail server responds with "OK, I've accepted that" at the end of a 
message then you have only one choice - to deliver it. I made a point of 
pointing out that our mail service would not fail to deliver a message that had 
been accepted for delivery.
I duplicated the same setup at home for my own server.

As part of the rundown of services before I was made redundant, my employer was 
busy selling people onto O365 - and at no time would the customer be told about 
O365's dirty secret, that it will throw away some of your main and you'll never 
know unless the sender contacts you via a different means. Clients were also 
told that there was no GDPR problem for them to consider at all - even though 
anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can explain the many ways in which 
O365 is fundamentally incompatible with GDPR, but that's a different thread 


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