il devuanizzato Marc Shapiro via Dng <> il 26-09-20 07:54:14 
ha scritto:
The issue that I am having is with sound.  My daughter reported that it was not working.  I tried playing a video (in Firefox) from my login and also got no sound.
Me too when installed beowulf I had problems.
Pulseaudio brings trouble and has odd behavior.
Alsa it is not without problems.
However both works with no|a little|medium effort.
I don't like pulseaudio and in my machines tend to remove it. Sometimes install it with disgust.

I have since determined that pulseaudio was not running (it is installed).  So I started the pulseaudio daemon under my login, started up Firefox and played a video.  Sound.  Yay!  I logged into my daughter's account and started the pulseaudio daemon, started Firefox and played a video.  No sound.  Boo!

The I started pavucontrol under both logins.  My login shows the 'Built in Analog Stereo' output device, and its monitor for input.  My daughter's login shows a 'Dummy' output device and its monitor for input.  under my wife's login, it shows the same 'Dummy' devices as my daughter's login .

1) If anyone can tell me how to get pulseaudio to see my built-in audio for all three logins, it would be greatly appreciated.
You need to make a file named .asoundrc in home directory and select correct audio card.

You can find it with:

cat /proc/asound/cards

You may insert a number or (best) the name of audio card.
For info:

pulseaudio is alsa based and it should work.

2) How do I get pulseaudio to run for each user when they log into the system.
I recommend you not to waste time configuring pulseaudio. If pulseaudio don't work and troubleshooting is more difficult than expected remove it and configure alsa. If alsa work then: if is necessary (advanced mixing, trouble with pulseaudio only software as firefox, other...)
        install pulseaudio
install apulse (sound working in pulseaudio only software as firefox for example), configure dmix plugin in alsa and so on...
end if

3) The 'play' utility from the sox package gives an error whenever I try to play an mp3 file.  Using 'aplay' to play .wav files works fine.  What do I need to do to play mp3s from the commandline?
You can try:
vlc -Incurses FILE

or moc (it also works by freeing the terminal):

(NOTE: I boot to console only.  Each user switches to a different VT and runs startx from there.)
Yes, me too run X from VT.

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