On 11/10/2020 02:52, Simon Walter wrote:
> I use Qemu/KVM for Windows development.
I currently use Qemu/KVM for customising\slipstreaming Windows installation 
image, everything else Windows related I do in a VM is just playing.
Ever taken a look at ReactOS ?

> What is your use case for LXC?
Was to be OS installation image development for various legacy platforms that 
are no longer supported (since wheezy).
Once I had LXC functioning fully on my x68_64 workstation I was then going to 
clone the configuration over to an ARM platform to build images for Marvell 
Kirkwood (and Raspberry Pi for fun). 

> Did you mention USB passthrough?
No, not got that far yet.
The unsurpassable stumbling block I have hit is related to lack of support for 
kernel interaction within a namespace, kernel <> userspace messaging fails and 
so does everything that depends on it.

> Depending on what your developing, you
> may want to have several targets including physical computers.
If there wasn't any physical computers and other people using them I wouldn't 
spend hours sat at one mucking with software ;).

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