Hi all,

Yes, I use TB. Please excuse me for living.

I am wondering how other TB and GPG users are dealing with:

From what I understand, I now have to maintain two copies of my key rings: the regular one and the one *inside* TB.

Somehow this smells like maybe someone didn't read Superiority or they just hate their users and want them to go away.

Has any of you TB users (assuming there are any here} done this migration? How is the new shiny? Is it fine? Shall I forget about TB? Any suggestions of what could replace it?

I see SOGo are working on the new format:

Though, I want to consider alternatives as, I somehow don't trust Mozilla ever since they became SJ warring virtue signalers. Sure, it was a while ago. I find it hard to move on, which, like many of you, is why I don't like it when software changes.

Best regards,

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