Hi again Haines,

On 12/5/20 6:32 PM, aitor wrote:


On 12/5/20 12:52 PM, Haines Brown wrote:
I was going to install default Beowulf (Beowult 3.0 ?) but is there
any way I can use deboostrap to access Beowulf 3.1 directly to install
If you need to specify several mirrors -this seems to be the case considering the addition of beowulf-proposed-updates-, you might give a try to mmdebstrap:

https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/eoan/man1/mmdebstrap.1.html <https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/eoan/man1/mmdebstrap.1.html>



As your request, and due to the recent changes in some critical packages like eudev, init, init-system-helpers... i decided to build some images for testing purposes using the live-sdk, which uses debootstrap at the same:

https://www.gnuinos.org/Devuan%20Drafts/core/ <https://www.gnuinos.org/Devuan%20Drafts/core/>

You can also build your own by the following way. Download the tarball from this link:

https://www.gnuinos.org/live-sdk <https://www.gnuinos.org/live-sdk>

Install the dependencies:

# apt-get install zsh cgpt xz-utils gzip schroot debootstrap curl rsync squashfs-tools sudo debmirror \ reprepro wget xorriso isolinux patch dialog sed cpio syslinux grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-ia32-bin

Go into the parent directory and build a core image of Devuan 3.1 (debootstrap plus a few packages) as follows:

$ sudo su

# zsh -f

# source sdk

# build_iso_dist

The download process may fail fetching one or another package time to time. If the case arises, remove the "tmp" and the "log" folders, exit and start all the steps again from the very begining. At the end, you'll find the
resulting iso image in a folder named "dist".

Just in case you interrupt the build process, run the following command:

# devprocsys umount $strapdir

This will unmount some partitions like /proc, /sys... To understand this, have a look at the following screenshot:

https://www.gnuinos.org/screenshots/Screenshot_2020-12-05_19-28-07.png <https://www.gnuinos.org/screenshots/Screenshot_2020-12-05_19-28-07.png>

I would like to make clear that this is not the *official* live-sdk used by devuan, but a fork used for the builds of gnuinos. And it includes as a bonus simple-netaid (just run simple-netaid-cdk as root). I'm still not clear at this point, but its daemon might cause some delay during the shutdown, even though"service stop/restart snetaid"are responding inmediatelly for me, which makes me hesitate. Anyway, you can remove it if so you wish.



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