On Monday 01 February 2021 at 21:02:34, Rick Moen wrote:

> I think someone should write an online essay called something like 'How
> to Ask Questions the Smart Way', to help such folks.


Antony :)

Under UK law, no VAT is charged on biscuits and cakes - they are "zero rated".  
Chocolate covered biscuits, however, are classed as "luxury items" and are 
subject to VAT.  McVitie's classed its Jaffa Cakes as cakes, but in 1991 this 
was challenged by Her Majesty's Customs and Excise in court.

The question which had to be answered was what criteria should be used to 
class something as a cake or a biscuit.  McVitie's defended the classification 
of Jaffa Cakes as a cake by arguing that cakes go hard when stale, whereas 
biscuits go soft.  It was demonstrated that Jaffa Cakes become hard when stale 
and McVitie's won the case.

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