g4sra <g4...@protonmail.com> wrote:

>> It is as simple as needing to connect to the server at different IPs (i.e. 
>> the internal IP from inside, the external IP from outside), but using the 
>> same URL ? 
> In a nutshell, yes.

OK, then I'd use split horizon DNS - problem solved (but noting the comment 
made about Android).
As also noted, SIP is one of the things that is well and truly screwed up by 
NAT - not that you'll find many NAT apologists admitting that. And in my 
experience, SIP ALGs (Application Level Gateways) can screw things up more than 
they fix.

>> If so, then split horizon DNS is your friend - and I'm assuming that's 
>> what you are referring to when you say using BINDs response policy.
> No.
> BIND's 'responce policy' is a, um, policy similar to a normal zone BUT 
> anything in this zone can mask a real resolve from occurring.

I hadn't seen that one, it's newer than when I last setup a BIND server.

>> Some will tell you that it's wrong - but as long as we have NAT then it's a 
>> decent and reliable workaround for the breakage that NAT causes.
> The reason it is wrong is...your internal DNS server is exposed to to a 
> higher hacking threat than if you had two separate servers, with the one in 
> the DMZ serving external queries and the internal one on the local lan behind 
> a secondary firewall.

It can be done with two different servers, and that's (sort of) actually how I 
have it. My own server is not internet accessible other than from secondary 
servers at a hosting company which publicly host my external zone for me.

But the reason I was told, with absolute certainty" by a supposedly 
professional consultant is that firstly I should not have different servers 
with the same name - e.g. internal and external web server for the same domain. 
But mostly, I should not be running my own DNS because only our ISP could keep 
our zone up to date !
In hindsight, with a little effort and guided learning I could have been a 
consultant with that sort of job - except that I never had, and never had the 
desire to have, the gift of "bulls**tting my way through anything".

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