On Mon, 28 Jun 2021, Ludovic Belli?re via Dng wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Have you tried:
>      apt-get download libapt-pkg5.0

:-) that's when I get the error message. 

> However libapt-private.so comes from the apt package, same as apt-cache. Your
> system is probably borked and needs full reinstall. The kind of error you got
> is
> related to the ABI (yes, with a B), and means that you have a bunch of
> software
> that were compiled against a different version of the library. 

I actually doubt it.  It a file for file restore of what was on the system 
partition of a working system. If you missed it I explained that my hard
drive broke.

> It also means that if apt is broken, other softwareq are likely broken 

Everything else seems to be working just fine. I did notice
that after I'd put the files back non-root users couldn't use ping.
That was because my rsync backup didn't use the -X options for extended 
attributes. I googled the magic setcap invocation and that was fixed.

> too which warrant, as I said, a full reinstall of your system.

This isn't windows, thank diety-of-choice :-)


> Cheers,
> Ludovic
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2021, Jim Jackson wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > My Beowulf amd64 system hard drive crashed, and after I'd restored my
> > backup I've had problems with apt-get etc.
> > 
> > apt-cache: relocation error:
> > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-private.so.0.0: symbol
> > _ZN3URIcvNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEB5cxx11Ev
> > version APTPKG_5.0 not defined in file libapt-pkg.so.5.0 with link time
> > reference
> > 
> > I use rsync for backups, but without the -X -A options, so extended
> > attributes and ACLs are lost, don't know if that's the reason. If I need to
> > reinstall libapt-pkg5.0 package, does anybody know if it's ok to just to
> > use the debian package file?
> > 
> > If not, can anyone tell where I can get the devuan libapt-pkg5.0 package
> > file?
> > 
> > cheers
> > Jim
> > 
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