
On 4/9/21 16:39, al3xu5 wrote:
had to learn how to use xrandr so that I could set up the monitors so
they would give my desired configuration and that needs to be entered
EVERY time I restart the box!
I also like to use lots of desktops and
too many of the applications
are quite stupid so then I need to shuffle things around at EVERY
Not sure what you are meaning here. If you run xrandr commands "manually"
at every restart, then you shoud use a login script to do this.

I have to use xrandr to adjust video output from my audio-video Linux box
to a old LCD TV: I have a small login script to have xrandr setting up
things at every login...

|If your desired resolution isn't listed by xrandr, you can create a new config file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d. This file must have a file extension of ".conf". One sample of such file might be as follows: Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor" HorizSync 30.0-62.0 VertRefresh 50.0-70.0 EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" DefaultDepth 60 SubSection "Display" Depth 60 Modes "1920x1080" "1024x768" "800x600" EndSubSection EndSection |

Pay attention to the key "Modes" in the SubSection "Display" containing three 
different resolutions.
I don't know about the identifiers used here. The X11/Xlib library can select 
the default screen by
the following way:

Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);    /*  default */

But it's also possible to choose the first one via:

screen = ScreenOfDisplay(display, 0);
So, i guess you can try using integers 0, 1,... as identifiers in the|Section "Screen"|.



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