On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 4:51 PM tempforever <d...@tempforever.com> wrote:

> So, my previous test did confirm that Devuan Chimaera without D-Bus is
> still possible using the steps on dev1fanboy's documentation page.
> Note, I don't really have anything against dbus (yet), I'm just checking
> whether this is all still possible for documentation purposes.
> Also note, it may be *possible* to install some of these software
> packages that "depend" on dbus, without actually installing dbus... not
> sure what functionality would be lost though.  As far as adding new
> recommendations to this list, I have none.  Maybe someone else who
> actually uses a dbus-free Devuan can chime in.
> The following list is from the "D-Bus free software" link at
> https://www.devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/en/dbus-free-software.html
> Window managers:
> fluxbox: OK
> blackbox: OK
> openbox: tries to install dbus
> fvwm: OK
> fvwm-crystal: tries to install dbus
> icewm: OK
> metacity: tries to install dbus
> evilwm: OK
> windowmaker: Unable to locate package windowmaker
> mutter: tries to install dbus
> sawfish: OK
> icewm: OK
> dwm: OK
> i3: tries to install dbus
> wmaker: OK
> File Managers:
> xfe: tries to install dbus
> pcmanfm: tries to install dbus
> rox-filer: tries to install dbus
> mc: OK
> gentoo: tries to install dbus
> fdclone: OK
> s3dfm: OK
> tkdesk: OK
> ytree: OK
> vifm: OK
> Display managers:
> nodm: OK
> ldm: OK
> xdm: OK
> wdm: OK

LXQT: ????

> Web browsers:
> midori: tries to install dbus
> surf: tries to install dbus
> dillo: OK
> links2: OK
> links: OK
> elinks: OK
> lynx: OK
> edbrowse: OK
> w3m: OK


> Music players:
> deadbeef: Package has no installation candidate
> cmus: OK
> cdcd: OK
> lxmusic: tries to install dbus
> randomplay: OK
> Media players:
> totem: tries to install dbus
> xine-ui: OK
> mplayer2: Package has no installation candidate
> mpv: OK
> melt: tries to install dbus
> IRC clients:
> weechat: OK
> irssi: OK
> ekg2-ui-gtk: Unable to locate package
> scrollz: OK
> loqui: OK
Hopefully not inappropriate asking (wry grin face!) - - - -

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