On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 10:59 AM Antony Stone
<antony.st...@devuan.open.source.it> wrote:
> Hi.
> I wanted to check the current list of init systems supported by Devuan, so I
> went to the website to find out.
> I noticed the prominent motto "init freedom - watch your first step!" there,
> and wonder whether this is an entirely positive thing for new visitors to the
> Devuan world to see?
> It could easily, I think, be taken to mean "be careful about taking a first
> step in an unknown direction" (which is what Devuan is for a newcomer), and
> could possibly make some people decide "oh, I'm not so sure about this; maybe
> not, after all".
> I'm sure there can be some more positive phrase we can use about init freedom,
> to emphasise what it _gives_ people, not to emphasise being cautious about the
> unknown.
> Thoughts / opinions?

Maybe something like "init freedom - - - your first step . . .  "

I don't like promising - - -especially too much but I agree
even a hint of uncertainty is not a great idea.

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