Hello Haines,

Mails stop being processed as soon as they are delivered. If you have
matching rules above that one, then the span check will not be reached.

Spamassassin doesn't get involved in this. It is purely filtering. You
must pass the mail through spamassassin before procmail is involved.
Likely through fetchmail.


On Fri, 25 Mar 2022, Haines Brown wrote:

I'm running Cimaera and have procmail and spamassassin installed.
I consructed a file ~/.procmailrc. In it ares the lines:

 * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I created this spam directory and restarted spamassassin. Yet
mail having the line "X-Spam: Yes" in it header is not
redirected to ~/mail/spam


    Haines Brown

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