On 4/23/22 15:26, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 12:19:45PM -0700, Fred wrote:

The mouse is a Sun three button mouse without the scroll wheel.  I
frequently use a program that makes extensive use of the middle button and
the pc mouse scroll wheel is hateful.

I would like a mouse with a middle button *and* a scroll wheel.
So there's no ambiguity as to which I am using.
I've never seen one.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list
I would be very happy with that. The scroll wheel should never have been included with the middle button but it is cheaper to build that way and that is more important than ergonomics. I also don't like the beetle wings for buttons one and three because I am often accidentally clicking button three. The Sun mouse has three buttons with spacing between to rest your fingers.

Best regards,

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